Its been a while ay!….
The world has surely changed since the last time I was here. Heck, my life has really changed. It’s almost 1 year since I last wrote on here. I have decided to be better at journalling so that I can have something to look back to. My job is going well so far. It is getting abit boring and I am sure I would be better served challenging myself but I am chalking it up to getting good experience to put on my resume for the future. Financially the pay is shit, but hopefully in the next 2 years I will be singing a different tune.
I bought a house! Yeah, I totally did. The idea of Trump scared me into adulting and I became a homeowner in October 2016. The experience is a constant challenge, especially since I am doing it on my own, and therefore money is really tight right now. Hopefully this will come through next year during tax season because for the first time in my life I owed on my tax return. (Fuck you Trump)
I also got 2 dogs. They are Chihuahua and Dachshund mixes that have taken over my life. They shed like mad making me a slave to my vacuum cleaner…lol, but they bring me so much happiness. They take me out of my head and bring me peace.
My weight and self esteem issues are probably going to be a lifelong struggle. I am going to the gym and working on weight training, and trying to watch what I eat, so hopefully this will manifest in a better physique.
Looking back at my journal entries, there is an underbelly of sadness and woe to each post. While those feelings are there and I will have to deal with them for the rest of my life, it does not reflect the things I have to be thankful for. Going forward, I will put in something I am grateful for in each post.
That my health is relatively good, that my family, as flawed as it is is relatively intact, my dogs, my house.